A glimpse into the throne room of God. Lightning, thunder, voices, lamps of fire, sea of glass, crowns before His throne. Worship penetrates the room, a pleasing aroma to God. Men and angels proclaim “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.” All glory, honor, and power belong to Him; He is the eternal Creator of all things. All that exists is the result of the work He has done. The creation of man, a reflection of Himself. He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast (Ps. 33:9). The grandeur of worship pivots around the eternal person and work of God. He is worthy to receive glory because He is the Creator of all things, and all things are created for His good pleasure.
The works of creation are merely a faint expression of the essence of God’s nature. He is worthy of honor, for He outranks all others in the highest degree. The divine power of God acts upon our minds to do and to will to do His good pleasure. All majesty, exhibited in deeds of power, belongs to Him alone. God so loved us that He gave His Only Son to pay the price for our sins even before we had breath. We worship Him for His powerful deeds and marvelous works. We live a blessed life when we recognize a need for God’s power in every aspect of our life as we sojourn this earth. When we realize His divine majesty, the wonder of His Name springs forth from deep within us as He fills our heart and mouth with an abundance of praise and worship. We proclaim the honors of His Name in prayer and in worship. Our mind is being renewed, we make a sacrifice of praise, and we proclaim His Name to others.
Does praise and worship spring forth within your soul? Why do you worship God? The fact of your existence is based on and is governed by God. To deny God is to be a fool. “Professing themselves to be wise they become fools” (Ro. 1:22). He has created you with the ability to function unaware of Him. Such a choice leads to immorality, impurity, divisions, jealousy, and more (Gal. 5:19-21). Would you be willing to worship Him for His exertion of power on your behalf? God is the source of all wisdom, power, and goodness. Won’t you take up the challenge today and cry out: “My gracious Master and my God, assist me to proclaim, to spread thro’ all the earth abroad the honors of your name.”