Not the labors of my hands
Can fulfill thy law’s commands
“Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them” (which are offered according to the law), (Heb. 10:8)
God did not want, nor did He take pleasure in, the killing of animals. This could never permanently satisfy His wrath toward sin. God does not want ritual, tradition, or the work of one man’s hands causing the death of an animal that has no choice. This could never fully pardon—nor would it fully purify—the conscience of man. God wants much more for His people; an everlasting solution. A solution that requires a decision, a personal choice by the individual. Jesus, Lamb of God, voluntarily chose to descend to earth. He would be the one-time, perfect sacrifice for every sin ever committed by every person. A sacrifice of infinite worth. Purification is no longer dependent on the work of one man’s hands. Instead, it requires the work of faith by every man. Now man is given the opportunity to make a choice, a decision, to accept or reject God’s solution for his sin: Jesus Christ.
Not everyone chooses to accept and take possession of Jesus. Some are liberated and others remain in bondage; some are made alive and others remain dead. Our decision to accept or reject Jesus’ sacrifice brings forth either life or death in us. Our choice is evidenced in our words and actions. Words of peace, hope, comfort, and truth; acts of charity, kindness, and gentleness are hallmarks of the Christian living in fellowship with Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit. When we yield to God, He forms us into the person He wants us to become. Every day we choose to yield—or not to yield—to His shaping of our hearts and minds that we might become more in tune with Him. When we fail to yield to Him, we are convicted and repent. Our loving God forgives us and provides new opportunities to choose to yield to Him.
Have you chosen faith in God’s beloved Son? Are you doing the work of faith? “Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works” (Jas. 2:18). Jesus sent the Helper, the Holy Spirit, source of all wisdom, co-laborer in the Creation, to dwell within you. Today is the day to make a choice to sacrifice some of your natural desires and choose God’s solution when you encounter a difficult situation. The Holy Spirit makes it possible to do the work of faith. What do you foresee coming your way this day? Won’t you choose faith in God over the works of your hands? “Not the labor of my hands can fulfill thy law’s commands.”