Jesus’ earthly ministry began at His baptism, was fulfilled on the cross, and lives forever through His Spirit. Likewise, the believer’s ministry begins in baptism, is fulfilled by yielding his life to his heavenly Father, and He lives forever in heaven. In baptism the believer publicly proclaims the end of living for the old sinful nature and its sensual, carnal, and fleshly lusts. Instead, he chooses to live for the new spiritual nature and its fruit—love, joy, and peace. Jesus conquered sin on the cross. Likewise, the believer takes up his cross as the two natures battle within his soul—the flesh and the spirit. Whatever form of ministry the new believer is given—at home, at work, in the church—he will daily encounter multiple opportunities to choose which nature he will exercise at any given moment. A war has been waged against the spirit and the flesh. Jesus sent His Helper, the Holy Spirit, to lead the Christian to victory in the unseen battleground of the spirit.
We, who once were cut off from God, have now been pardoned and restored to His favor. We are purified by the water as our lives become more aligned to the purity of Jesus’ teachings and the cleansing fountain of grace that flows from Him. We are forgiven by His blood for He alone took all our sins upon Himself.
O Rock of Israel, Rock of Salvation, Rock struck and cleft for me, let those two Streams of Blood and Water which once gushed out of Thy side bring down Pardon and Holiness unto my soul. And let me thirst after them now, as if I stood upon the Mountain whence sprung this Water; and near the Cleft of that Rock, the Wounds of my Lord, whence gushed this sacred Blood. (Charles Wesley, 1745. Hymns on the Lord’s Supper).
Have you followed Jesus in baptism? Are you choosing death to your physical passions and desires? Won’t you heed the gentle nudging of the Holy spirit within? May His soft, tender voice drown out the destructive, clamoring voices in life as you walk the path He has laid before you this day. The Bible states that the life of the flesh is in the blood (Lev. 17:11). This statement applies physically and spiritually. Your physical health is dependent on the health of your blood; your relationship with the Lord is dependent on the blood of Jesus. “Let the water and the blood, from thy wounded side which flowed, be of sin the double cure, save from wrath and make me pure.”