Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Savior, or I die.
And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. (I Cor. 6:11
Whether puffed up with self-confidence, conceited in self-righteousness, or defeated in self-hatred, in due time, everyone comes to Jesus hopeless and sinful. But the believer has been pardoned through the blood of Jesus Who allowed His body to be broken that all may be cleansed—forever. The Holy of Holies, once veiled, has been torn and opened forever by the veil of Jesus’ body. The believer is cleansed, set apart, and made innocent before God by faith in Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit; made righteous in the sight of God and perfect by the grace of God. No longer known by what he was, but by who he is in Jesus, freed from the law of sin and death (Ro. 8:2).
We are like a piece of canvas stretched and cracked, of little value, hardly worth picking up if seen lying in the street. But then the Master Painter finds us, cleans us up, and begins to paint upon our lives the image He has designed for us, an image known only to Him. Carefully, He begins to caress the canvas of our life with His fingers of grace. He lays down the first strokes of color, His brush moving to the rhythm of the story He is telling. Inspired by love, He adds touches of beauty to our lives, painting into us His divine image. His painting, coming to life, reflecting the colors of His heart and mind. Blood-stained white covering our sin-stained darkness. Our natural desires fading into spiritual longings as our hearts are united to Him. We find purpose in life when our minds are renewed in the knowledge of God (Col. 3:9). The canvas of our lives, once ruined and worthless, has become a painting of great worth, precious and wonderful in His sight. We have become the recipient of His masterpiece, touched by the Master Painter, made in His divine image.
Is the Master Painter touching your life with His colors? Is He removing the darkness from your life? Is He covering your natural passions and desires with His blood-stained purity? Won’t you ask Him to color your life with the colors He has chosen just for you? What indescribable love God is pouring into your life as He paints His story in you. The day is coming when you will be presented righteous before God, reconciled to Him because of His work and your faith. Dirty you came, but now you have been blood bought and water washed. Oh Lord, “Foul, I to the fountain fly; wash me Savior, or I die.”